Springtime treats…

Hello Darlings, Madame X here.  No doubt everyone is looking forward to Spring again. There’s just something so refreshing about this time of year…the cold is thawing, the tulips and daffodils are poking through the ground, buds begin to appear and the birds to return to their homes and erupt in song.  Do I sound a bit romantic? Oh yes, guilty as charged, Darlings, as a girl I had such a vivid imagination and dreamy ways.

I’ve been holed up indoors working on my tasks of late that I almost forget to connect with the outside world! I have, as always, been working away at creating pretty things.  A touch of velvet her, some beads there, molding clay and showering sprinkles of glitter whenever I can (it’s all about the glitter, don’t you know).  I’ve been dreaming of Paris in Spring and I’ve even taken to adding little macarons to jewelry.  I am happy with the results, and will continue to dabble with different mediums, as I love to experience it all.


Hand made macaron necklace available at: http://madamexapparel.storenvy.com


Handmade lavender macaron necklace available at Madame X. http://madamexapparel.storenvy.com

That is all for now, back to the boudoir I go, to hatch new ideas and return next week to share them with you.  I wish you a FAB-ulous week ahead!


Madame X


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